7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

4 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

Mar 04, 2024


Hello Dear One!


Ok!  Gather round for some USEFUL tips on how to lessen your midsection in ways that might SURPRISE you.





There is something called the, "Dawn Effect", where our bodies release Cortisol (and with it elevate blood sugar and insulin) a couple hours after we wake helping us to GET GOING.


We've talked about this in Fat Burning PRO as it can also raise hunger briefly in the morning (but will pass).


If you are able to tailor your exercise to this time - GREAT.


You'll be capitalizing on reducing Cortisol while exercising as you normally would.


Win win.






We are creatures of the sun, and with that we are more metabolically active when the sun is up, and naturally less so when the sun is down.


By making a point to do more challenging and active tasks earlier in the day - we naturally keep stress lower, as well as not messing with our body's production of Melatonin as the night comes.







White fat is the fat that makes us fat and brown fat is the fat that makes us warm and that burns white fat.


Brown fat is brown due to the number of mitochondria (energy producing unit of the cell) in it.


White fat is hard to lose.


Brown fat is far easier.


You've probably heard about cold therapy helping activate brown fat, but another MORE effective tactic to transform the stubborn fat that we'd wish to lose is INTERMITTENT FASTING!!!


I LOVE that this insanely useful technique for speeding up weight loss, slowing aging, improving our hormonal profile, making our body more insulin sensitive, improving digestion, improving health overall...


Also literally TRANSFORMS our fat into a form that is EASIER to lose.


So STAY consistent with your intermittent fasting.


OR get set up to be able to do it easily and comfortably and WELL (ahem Fat Burning PRO)







This bit of information is THE most useful factoid in the effort to not have stress impact our weight.


Cortisol is a stress hormone.


It's meant to help us when in danger by FIGHTING or FLEEING.


And with this obvious correlation (which was honestly not so obvious to me until learning this recently) in order to NOT have Cortisol settle into our body resulting in expanding our waistline...


We need to MOVE in order to move it out of our body and USE IT for it's intended purpose.


How to do this?


Just move.  Jumping jacks.  Air squats if you're fancy.


Lying in bed at night at times is when I feel pops of stress and when I do I now I squeeze my glutes rapidly, flutter my legs, contract my thighs quickly and forcefully.


The result?




I literally feel CALMER by doing this.




I hope all these tips seem useful.


Would LOVE to hear if you use any of them, especially the last one.





And if you're a woman who's over 40 who's READY to get her body set up to do intermittent fasting in order to speed up weight loss and lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having increased energy and slowed aging...


Join Fat Burning PRO.


It's the last diet you'll ever begin and a lifestyle you'll wish to do forever.


To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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