7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Best Times to Eat for Weight Loss

Jan 15, 2023


Hello Dear One!


If you've ever thought there were better times to eat when weight loss is the goal - YOU'RE RIGHT!


The truth is we are heavily connected metabolically to the sun .


Our metabolism is most active when the sun is highest and slower when the night is here.


As a result it makes the most sense to be active when the sun is up and more restful/sleeping when it's dark.


To take advantage of when we're most metabolically active - we should eat when the sun is highest.



Best time to eat = between 12 -2pm.


Now to get more benefit than less, simply aim to eat more of your food between these hours.  Or closer to those hours.


If dinner is your main meal of the day, and that's quite a bit later - no stress.


Just aim to honor this fact when you can:

 - enjoy brunch and a lighter dinner

 - have an earlier lunch and an earlier dinner

 - have a big lunch and if not hungry possibly skip dinner and call it an early night


Basically eat MORE earlier in the day, less later in the day.  Ideally.  When you can.


Another great time to honor is when dinner ends and when sleep begins.


Many worry about the time of night that you shouldn't eat after (6pm?  7pm??).


In reality, we're past the sun making a difference with our metabolism at this point.


Now we care more about the hormonal repercussions of food (INSULIN) on our hormones at night (namely HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE, TESTOSTERONE, and a variety of hormones that support our THYROID GLAND).


I hope we're all clear that we want to make sure our Thyroid and metabolism is in good standing.


That Testosterone is welcome to have in healthy supply for purposes of muscle mass retention and building, a robust libido, CONFIDENCE, HAPPINESS, and staving off DEPRESSION (yes please!)


And lastly HGH is considered our FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH for rebuilding and repairing tissue, staving off disease, boosting our immune system, helping us to feel/look/function more youthfully, to LIVE LONGER, and to LOSE WEIGHT!



So let's work smarter vs harder in this weight loss effort and honor the fact that it's actually more consequential to have at least 2-3 hours, and ideally 4+ between when you finish eating and go to bed.


This way insulin will be LOW or NOT PRESENT (ideally!) so as not to inhibit the release of HGH and with it Testosterone, as well as other hormones that we care about for our metabolism.


PLUS if we REALLY care about leveraging our choices around timing for weight loss - it would serve us BEST if we were in bed by 9pm, or GREATLY if we were in bed by 10pm.


When we get our sweet and increasingly sexy buns to bed at/around/by those hours we get to take advantage of the greatest surges of HGH.


HGH comes in pulses in the night and the show begins with a high note at 10pm.


Why we want to be in bed by 9pm is that it takes an hour to get into REM sleep (deep sleep) and REM sleep is where HGH gets released.


So the EARLIER to bed the BETTER - but making sure there's a window of time to digest and let insulin levels drop would be super smart and strategic.


What would also be incredibly strategic to elevate HGH, Testosterone levels, and to keep your Thyroid in great standing would be to get your body into a FAT BURNING MODE.


When I hear people who want to lose weight admitting that they lose their resolve to follow their plan, "at night", "on the weekends", "around the holidays", I think...ME TOO!!!


Listen, who DOESN'T wrestle (at least at TIMES) at those points?!?


The goal is not to be perfect but to set your BODY and BRAIN up to be BETTER at BURNING FAT than STORING it AND KNOW what to DO STRATEGY wise so that you can keep steadily marching forward towards your desires - REGARDLESS of periodic deviations.


Does that sound like a BETTER WAY??


I hope so!!


Would love to have you join our Fat Burning community if so. 


We even go out to EAT basically monthly and LEAN on our bodies ability to have more carbs/calories IF we desire.


Fat Burning is easy, FUN, flexible!  The best!!


So if any of this resonates as a SIMPLER way to shed some unwanted pounds AND still be able to do LIFE in a way that feels good - please check out Fat Burning PRO.


Prices are going UP at the end of the month - so join us NOW to take advantage of what currently IS.


Losing weight can be a radically different experience, 


Would love to show you how.


To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M 


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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