Dec 03, 2022
Hello Dear One!
Happy Holiday Season! I hope you're feeling excited about what has been happening and excited about what's to come.
I wanted to take the opportunity to SHARE a glorious success story as well as mention upcoming CHANGES and CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES.
If you're in our Fat Burning Community you know Gena.
And if you're in our Fat Burning Community it very well might be BECAUSE of Gena!
This woman has been a poster child (hot, hot, hot) and evangelist for being in a Fat Burning Mode and for Fat Burning PRO.
A total delight and Superstar and one who has happily adopted this lifestyle for life (THE GOAL).
Check out her review on Google (more to come) and her now.
YAY for all this!!
I also wished to mention that prices are going UP in January 2023.
If Fat Burning has been a thought DO IT NOW.
OR pay now and SLAY later. ;)
You are free to start your program whenever you desire.
If you KNOW you want this for the New Year, simply purchase in December and use it next year.
ALSO something that has happened with several clients and that is available to you is to...
BUY Fat Burning PRO with One on One Coaching and SPLIT THE COST of the program (plus additional cost of products for participant #2).
You could do this with a partner, family member, close friend...anyone who you communicate with frequently.
How this works is by having only ONE POINT of contact with Michaela, but all questions/needs can still be shared through main client.
Plus all access to our group coaching, private Fat Burning Unbound Facebook group, and local outings would still be the same for both clients.
That's a big savings if teamwork is possible.
Be in touch with questions.
And let's get you set up to have EXACTLY what's desired this Holiday Season and New Year.
You deserve to lose the weight, keep it off, and elevate your health ALL while having your Cake and Eating it too.
Love to all!
To getting clearer on how the body works and how to make it work for you.
xo, M
7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast
Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.
We hate SPAM. We will never sell your information, for any reason.
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