7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry...While Staying on Track

Dec 26, 2023


Hello Dear One!


Happy Holidays!


Thought to offer a flexible life raft while we are still in the thick of it.


If you've written off being conscious with food and/or your body - PLEASE DON'T.


The truth is one day (or even SEVERAL days) spent coloring outside of your typical lines does NOT matter.





What DOES matter is what you do the majority of the time.


And with that getting BACK on track is actually, and ALWAYS, the most important task at hand.




All your sins will be absolved (truly) if you simply get back to your supportive behaviors.


For Fat Burners it's drinking their Bulletproof Coffee in the morning and NOT having breakfast.


It's NOT snacking.


It's walking if exercise is in the mix.


It's getting 7+ hours of sleep.


Keeping stress low.


Taking the vitamins that help with hormone balance, detoxification and reduce inflammation.


And it's also aiming to get back to having Fat Burning meals mostly and Carb Feasts as scheduled.





What about Holiday leftovers?!?


I love them too!


If I REALLY want them (and there are a LOT of them in my home) I simply aim to have a smaller amount later in my meal so my blood sugar is buffered with what's already come before, AND I'm less hungry.


Do that.


No big deal.


And if you're a Fat Burner and ok with holding off for a few days - have them at your next Carb Feast.






I'll also share part of a big fat smack down Facebook Live I did for my Fat Burners this morning - and it was about the consequence/VALUE of getting back on track.


Over a year ago I did a number of interviews of several Fat Burners to essentially get market research.


WHY did you pick Fat burning PRO?


What could've been better in the program?


What did result and how is life now different?


The main response surprised me.


Losing weight was NOT about health or getting into clothes they loved.


A big driver and undeniable benefit was ATTRACTION.


Feeling sexy.


Being considered more attractive.


Improving existing relationships.


CREATING NEW relationships!


Having better sex lives!


Commanding more attention.


Garnering more respect.




That all sounded CRAZY to me.


But it's TRUE!


And as shitty as it might seem - our physical appearance MATTERS.


It communicates so much.


Confidence, self care, self value, VALUE.


EveryBODY is perfect, acceptable, and lovable - AND a FIT body is compelling.


That's some primal wiring in action and it's utterly undeniable.


So I share this back.


Your choices are consequential.



One day(s) doesn't matter.


Many days do.


You're worth what you want, and you're worth stepping into (or staying in) a body that's SEXY!!  Fit!  Hot!  Healthy!  Vibrant!  Strong!




So do what's easy, and stay conscious.


You will reap the rewards (in so many aspects of life) if you do.


And if YOU'VE yet to get your body into a Fat Burning mode - LET'S DO IT!!


The New Year is almost upon us and you deserve to kick it off with a body that loses weight more EASILY, has plenty of energy, who looks incredible.


Lose 8-20 lbs in 4 weeks.


No longer feel frustrated about how weight loss works, and have an on going sense of freedom in life.


Yes fucking please!


Join Fat burning PRO!


And Happy almost New Year!


To getting clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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