7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Holiday Strategy

Nov 25, 2023


Hello Dear One!


Are you about ready to strap on DEFEAT this Holiday Season, resigning yourself to the fact that overeating and weight gain is inevitable?


If so, let's NOT.


Let's get a little strategic this season and REDUCE the impact of what the Holidays can do.





Every outing doesn't need to be a feast.  And every offering doesn't need to be consumed.


As unsexy as it may sound - being DELIBERATE is HOT.


Having boundaries and making conscious choices based on your desires will take you FAR.


So if you KNOW you totally want to go for it with food and drink at your Aunt's on a Friday eve, but the networking thing (that ALWAYS has a huge cheese assortment, crackers, dips up the wazoo AND drinks at the ready) on Wednesday actually isn't that delicious or exciting - DON'T partake there.


And if you KNOW you're going to be hungry on Wednesday night at that event - PLAN ACCORDINGLY.


Go and leave EARLY enabling you to get home and eat a supportive dinner at a reasonable hour.


OR EAT EARLY and go to the event later feeling completely satisfied and less interested in more.


And then there's ALCOHOL!


Personally I've found what works best is to DECIDE BEFOREHAND.


Alcohol will always be enticing (if we do enjoy it), so if we're not solid that tonight's an off night - it's SUPER easy to say YES.


Around the Holidays I'd honestly aim to keep it to twice a week if you do like to imbibe.


Let it be special and celebratory - not just what you automatically do when around others.


Keep your eyes on the day/time that you'll be indulging and let tonight simply be off the table.


I know that when something isn't an option it ISN'T.







The majority rules, so when we've got more pumpkin pie, Christmas cookies, or spiked eggnog staring us in the face it doesn't mean we have to ABORT SHIP in every way.


It's actually MORE consequential that we stay committed to our typical supportive behaviors to OFFSET the mumbo jumbo that isn't.


Walking most days, getting ample rest, using your Bulletproof Coffee daily (if you're a Fat Burner), NOT SNACKING, taking your supplements daily (if you're a Fat Burner, or USANA user), using Apple Cider Vinegar water and stevia to make it to your next meal comfortably, making sure you have a good window between the end of your last meal and bedtime...


These are the things that matter and that will offset the less than ideal business that the Holidays can hold.





I'm saying this to myself as I say it to everyone - deliberately get to bed EARLIER than usual.


There will more than likely be times where your night will end later than usual, but if you are NOT at an outing or affair - try to hit the sack EARLY.


Sleep is so consequential to keep detrimental hormones low  =  Cortisol (increases hunger and blood sugar and with it Insulin) and Ghrelin (increases hunger, makes us eat more food to get satisfied).


And it keeps helpful hormones HIGH = hormones that support our Thyroid (affects our metabolism), Human Growth Hormone (helps with weight loss, tissue regeneration, prevents disease, longevity), as well as Testosterone (muscle mass, libido, confidence, staves off depression and anxiety).


So do something crazy!  Plan to get to bed an HOUR earlier this season!   Let's see what happens!


Even if we miss the mark slightly, or many nights overall - we'll still be giving ourselves a leg up in the weight loss and HEALTH game.





If we are constantly being faced with delectable desserts and dishes while continuing to tell ourselves NO - there WILL be a breaking point.


My encouragement would be to zero in on what you LOVE (bread, pasta, sweets, chocolate, CHEESE...) and see how you can give yourself versions of what you love in a way that helps you still get what you desire.


For example there ARE low/no carb breads/wraps that are totally tasty.


Tofu Shirataki noodles are SUCH A great replacement for the real thing.


There are endless keto and lower carb recipes that literally enable one to have their cake and eat it too.


Choczero is an awesome option for the hardcore chocolate lover (ME!).


Cheese (especially when it's IN things) can be of the lower fat variety enabling us to enjoy while not getting walloped with a deluge of calories each time we partake.


And those are just a FEW thoughts.


I personally LOVE chocolate and peanut butter and make a point to have them basically daily.


Because I'm ALWAYS giving myself sweet and satisfying foods I don't feel DEPRIVED.


I will still WANT certain things I love (Seeduction bread from Whole Foods = YES PLEASE!) but I can happily have that in a moderate way when it's there because I'm still eating BREAD when I desire.


Hope this thinking makes sense and offers more possibilities.





And lastly I'll just remind everyone that if you have a TON of  _______, or you'd rather not have _______ staring you in the face motivating you to EAT it - get that business out of sight!


Portion out whatever you might wish for more of in the future (near or distant), wrap it up, and stick it in the freezer.


I enjoyed the fruits of this thinking over the last couple weeks with cutting up and freezing the rest of the Pumpkin Brownies I made the other week, as well as slicing up a whole loaf of Seeduction bread, having two big sexy slices with butter last night, and then putting the rest in the freezer.  


In sight on mind.


Out of sight out of mind.


Use this concept to your advantage WHILE being able to still have _____ long after it was made.



Hope these few suggestions seem useful.


There are LITERALLY so many angles to weight loss,


And the more you USE these strategies to change a typical choice, AND the better your body is set up to BURN FAT, the easier it is to move in a desired direction.


Regardless of the time of year.


So if YOU would like more strategic education like this mapped out and reinforced in a 5 week program* AS WELL as a body that is INCREASINGLY groomed to BURN your own FAT for ENERGY - please give Fat Burning PRO a look.


Join Fat Burning PRO.

Lose 8-15 lbs in 4 weeks.

No longer feel frustrated about weight loss while having more freedom in life.


*payment options NOW available!


If you're ready to LIVE DIFFERENT get signed up for Fat Burning PRO*.


Would love to help you change EVERYTHING.


To getting clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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