7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

How to Feel Better

Jan 21, 2023


Hello Dear One!


If you've been feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired - this sharing might offer some assistance.


The Four Main Culprits to robbing us of our COMFORT and JOY are generally:










This is a result of WEAKNESS.


Muscles HURT when they are being pulled on by another muscle that is stronger and often tighter.


The solution?


STRENGTHEN the area that hurts.


Even contracting it can help to take pressure of the area and bring things back into balance.


Here's me demonstrating an amazing exercise that's useful for your ENTIRE body and doable at any age.


Essentially pick up 2 heavy objects with handles and WALK.



This will make you breathe heavier, need to rely on your skeleton (look FORWARD, pick up your chest, keep joints over joints), stabilize your core, strengthen your grip, and USE just about every muscle in your body - depending on the weight and the distance that you walk.


This is an efficient and practical move and one that can certainly strengthen a body not only improving ABILITY, but also reducing pain.





In my experience this is where a joint is weak due to insufficient use OR excessive use based on the conditioning and makeup of the body.


We NEED some stress, but sometimes our system is so compromised that we simply HURT at REST!


And with that we believe it's something that, " just happens", and even worse something we just have to deal with.


Which couldn't be further from the truth.


Tender joints are generally a result of inflammation to SOME degree (weakness can also play a part in this situation).


TAKING SOMETHING (supplement made of vitamins and minerals) that is EFFECTIVE can often do WONDERS.


I personally live comfortably with a:

- shoulder that's been dislocated from a trampoline park fall

- a torn meniscus (undiagnosed) from doing single leg squats in one of my knees

- and slight arthritis (I believe) in my right thumb from DECADES of massage


What keeps them at bay?




And my joint supplement most of all.


If you have something that works - take it!


And if you NEED something that works - take THIS!


Total life saver and game changer.





One thing that will DRAMATICALLY help raise your energy is to BURN YOUR OWN FAT FOR FUEL!


Not only will being in a Fat Burning mode give you access to ENDLESS energy that you live in every day...


BUT it will help reduce the toxic load in your body (based on how we do it in Fat Burning PRO).


Why TOXINS matter in the matter of energy is because they can damage our MITOCHONDRIA = the energy producing unit of our cells.


So the more of a toxic load we have, and often the more FAT we have on our frame (can be RELATED) the LESS energy we may very well have.



The solution?




As if you needed ANOTHER reason!  But if so, there you are!


Enhanced energy is one of the key, and EARLY, markers of being in this mode.  Most exciting.





How we deal with stress and how we talk to ourselves/think can make a major impact on how good we typically feel.


Stress HAPPENS, but it is also typically BRIEF.


WE make it extend past the point of knowledge, warning or impact.


This extended tension is something we CULTIVATE and then fail to recognize that we can STOP and disengage from as well.


Stress has a physiological presence but it should fade and then be GONE.


When it's not it can mean we're replaying what DID happen, or what COULD happen, AND we've yet to do something to RELEASE the bound up physiological state that incident or thinking caused.


So FOCUS, SELF TALK, and a certain BREATHING TECHNIQUE(s) can all help STOP the madness.


Additionally if you feel DOWN, heavy or SAD in general - FOCUS, SELF TALK, and TALKING (having FUN) WITH OTHERS is often the antidote.


To change a generally LOW state, it might serve to digest where your focus is typically. 


Is it on what's RIGHT in the world??  On outlets that are uplifting and inspiring??  Do the things you engage with FEED YOU?


And then are you committed to owning how much of a ROCKSTAR you are?  What a QUEEN and DIVINE ENTITY you are in human form??  How LUCKY the planet and it's people are to HAVE YOU HERE?!?  How SMART, BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED, RARE, SPECIAL, LOVED, HOLY and IMPORTANT you are?!?


Words like these MATTER!!


We're such logical creatures.


If we're feeling like crap there's probably a whole host of reasonable explanations we can find, and with that the ability to change them.


I hope that was at all useful.


FEELING BETTER is a commitment on so many levels - but in reality the most important one to make is the COMMITMENT to FEELING BETTER.


If you'd like to start FEELING BETTER ASAP - please consider enrolling in Fat Burning PRO.


It's one stop shopping for your waistline and health.


I will guide you on the exercise front if desired (either daily texting, or 4, 30 min private sessions in the One on One version), and you'll always have the opportunity to receive specific advice on what ails you in our group or on our weekly group call.  


Plus I dole out LOADS of loving reinforcement in our program and in person on how WONDERFUL you are and what a GREAT JOB you're doing - whatever stage of the game you might be at.


CHANGE is a process and the BETTER we are to ourselves the FASTER and MORE FUN it will BE!


ALSO...PRICES are going UP at the end of this month!


If you're inclined PLEASE sign up this month and TAKE ADVANTAGE of where all is right now.


Would love to have the opportunity to work with you.


Hope you've been having a great start to the year and are very much looking forward to the months ahead.


To getting you clearer on how the body works, in order to make it work for you.


xo, M

7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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