7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Happier for the Holidays

Dec 16, 2023


Hello Dear One!


If you'd like to feel GOOD this Holiday Season - this might be a great sharing for you.


Whether you feel impacted by STRESS, anxiety, "not - enoughness", or LONLINESS - here are some concrete things to do about it.






If you are feeling tense to the max I feel for you.


Being wound up and strung out is the worst.


It makes living in your own body feel awful and like a prison you'd like to escape.


IF you can relate to these words the big thing I wish to impart is that we HAVE CHOICE in this matter.


What we focus on both expands AND exists (especially if we're really talking about our thoughts).


We have choice as to what we put our attention on AND what we think.


And if what we're choosing is making us feel TERRIBLE - let's STOP THAT.


Affirmations up the wazoo are SMART for everyone and IMPERATIVE for the person who's dragging their limp body behind them as they continue to race down the road of negative and self critical thinking.


Your, "house", should feel like HOME, and the way to make that come to be is to feather your nest. 


Create a sanctuary within that feels calming. 


Where you know that YOU are ok, regardless of what's going on around you.


Affirm that you, and all, is perfect.


What has been said/thought/done is perfect.


Even if something needs to change at any moment for any reason.




And when we reinforce that ALL is ok it enables us to calm down, feel connected, and a sense of love for ourselves as well.


Yes please!







My exciting new found fix for this is ACTION.


What is the THING that's hanging over your head?


CAN you do something about it?


Great!  Do the thing you need to do to take care of it.


Can you NOT do something about it?


Great!  Do something that makes sense to do that can help in the OVERALL desired outcome.


(Focus on the feeling here.  What ELSE can help you to feel - abundant, calm, loved, ready for Christmas...etc?)










Hello!  This one often has my number!


This gnawing song is ENDLESSLY painful and POINTLESS.


As someone that's slowly stepping away from this tape on repeat the way out has really comes in a trifold bill.




What IS so?


Are you a badass for SO many reasons that we're simply not holding on high??




Let's rattle off ALL the things that are wonderful and true about our specific point of lack.





If you want more you HAVE to be grateful for what you already possess.


A rampage of appreciation is the next order of business in the undoing of this nasty habit.


Saying THANK YOU for EVERYTHING (like a crazy person) is so wise and transformative.


It will radically affect how you feel AND what you receive.



(This is a great podcast episode about some cornerstone behaviors that might help you to feel elevated and steady on the regular.)







This is big and this is real.


Truth is you can't change this one alone.


And I get that the more isolated and unloved or unlovable we feel the harder it will feel to show up and extend ourselves towards another - but we still have to.


The nature of feeling isolated perpetuates STAYING isolated.


It's such a primitive thing.


It's not natural for us to be alone, and when we are we easily feel overwhelmed and rejected from our tribe.


But it's just our current times.  Not you.


So GOING OUT, calling someone, putting yourself in an environment with others = necessary to feel connected and better.


Having a sense of connection with ourselves first sounds great, but there's no amount of self actualization that can replace human contact.


I have a personal belief that the only thing humans need are other humans.


We are literally irreplaceable to each other.


We are special, important, and our presence is consequential for the whole.


And as much as we need others, others need us too.


Don't forget that.


So make a date.  Go to the outing.  Call a friend.  Reach out to an aquaintence on social media and SEE EACH OTHER IN PERSON.


It's super easy to not.  


And it's completely nourishing and nervous system supporting to do it.


And LASTLY - this business is actually super consequential for our health!


Lonliness is worse for our body than smoking! 


And creates a larger negative impact on our health than being obese!!


So get with others.


There's no getting around the benefit, OR the detriments, of NOT.






Hope that was a useful list if you are in need of some emotional elevation.


And if you'd like to FEEL BETTER in EVERY WAY from feeling CALMER, handling STRESS better, having improved health, more ENERGY, better SLEEP, and feeling LIGHTER in your body...


get into a Fat Burning Mode.


Join Fat Burning PRO and lose 8-20 lbs in 4 weeks, no longer feel frustrated about weight loss, and have a newfound sense of freedom in life.


Understand how to have your cake and eat it too.




Hope you're having an amazing Holiday Season and are treating yourself exquisitely well.


To getting clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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