7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

How to Lose More Weight

Aug 29, 2022


Hello Dear One!


If weight loss is a desired thing in your world the best way to AMPLIFY your efforts is to BURN MORE FAT.


And how do we do this?


The two things that affect weight loss are HORMONES and CALORIES.




The biggest Fat Burning blocking hormone to consider is Insulin.


Insulin both STORES FAT and it PREVENTS Fat from from used for ENERGY.


To keep Insulin levels LOW/lower we want to:


 - Eat fewer carbs

 - Eat less often



Making a point to have less high glycemic carbs (pasta, bread, snack foods and sweets), and to lean a little less heavily on carbs in general by increasing the protein in your meal can help.


Eating less often can simply mean eating 3xs/day and not snacking.


Get comfortably FULL at your meals and then you won't need to reach for something between meals (whether it's riddled with carbs or not).


Each time we eat blood sugar and INSULIN rise.


Therefore reducing the frequency of times we put things in our mouth is HELPFUL.




As unglamorous or outdated as this may sound - it's not.


Calories are units of energy, and the more we eat of them the less we actually NEED to tap into our own Fat for fuel (which is why it's there in the first place).


And this statement of fact is not meant to incite you to GO HUNGRY - but it is meant to encourage you to BE MINDFUL in your choices as foods that are FILLING and SUPPORTIVE do indeed exist.


First off, making a point to have more protein (sorry not sorry), vegetables, FIBER, and a moderate amount of fat will tend to get/keep us feeling FULL by meal's end and for the long haul.


I started making a series of videos called BANG FOR YOUR BUCK FOODS - as these are foods I aim to push down my Fat Burner's throats.


BANG FOR YOUR BUCK FOODS are filling, supportive for Fat Burning, and have a small/smaller/reasonable amount of calories than comparative choices.


Here's a recent one that might be worth checking out.



Would love to hear what you think AND make sure to SUBSCRIBE to check out the previous ones, and the following videos on the matter to come.


And if you'd like to get OFFICIALLY set up to BURN YOUR FAT for ENERGY making MORE weight loss simple and lasting - please check out Fat Burning PRO.


To getting you clearer on how the body works and how to make it work for you.


xo, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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