7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

How to Start When You Don't Know Where to Begin

Aug 07, 2023


Hello Dear One!



As mentioned last week in, "How to be SUPER HEALTHY", here is the workout promised from the EXERCISE part of the Holy Trinity of Health.



Many know weight lifting is so smart for so many reasons - strength, bone density, endurance, weight loss, hormonal balance, cognitive function, stress, mood, sports...+++



But do all of us know WHAT to do when wishing to begin being more regular at the gym or with pumping a little iron at home?



If you've ever struggled with wanting to work out more, or the desire of feeling fitter, and haven't known where to start - this might help.






On the 4th of July I happened to be working out in an apartment gym where I noticed a young, heavy set woman who was looking uncertainly at a rack of dumbbells.


I resisted the impulse to ask her if she needed any help as sometimes people are set with what they think should happen next.



I went about my workout only to be politely interrupted by this lovely lady asking if I could guide her a bit as she wasn’t sure what to do.



I said YES, and then I made sure to share something that felt simple and doable (for any level of conditioning), complete (full body), and RETAINABLE (= repeatable).



Here’s what I said and what we/she did.





Upper Body: 4 sets, resting as needed
- push-ups (on knees) - 10-12 reps
- One arm rows (25 lbs) - 10-12 reps/side



Lower Body: 4 sets, resting as needed
- squats (25 lbs) - 10-12 reps
- reverse lunges (bodyweight only, while holding onto a doorknob for stability) - 10-12 reps/side




These 4 exercises will work the whole body and offer endless adjustments to lessen/increase the difficulty.



I encouraged her to do this routine two, ideally three, times a week (see below for the rest).



If you don’t know what to do with weights - start HERE.



“Should I NOT do cardio even though I want to lose weight?”


Oh dear lord.



The morons that blast that misinformation around the internet are CONFUSING people that aren’t well versed in fitness.



You COULD majorly mess up cardio for weight loss, but IN GENERAL, cardio is VERY helpful for weight loss.






I told this fair lass to ALSO WALK.



 Every day if possible, and IDEALLY AFTER her weight lifting.



My suggestion was for an hour each time as a bench mark.



And to make sure she SWEAT AND could TALK while doing it.



That would ensure she’s burning fat and not comprising muscle OR raising cortisol.



That’s it!



If YOU want to start but aren’t sure where - DO THIS!



 And if you need more assistance with training, or a plan for it, PLEASE be in touch.



 AND if weight loss is your primary goal - getting your body into a Fat Burning mode would be the MOST helpful thing in the effort.




"Everything feels better.  More energy, no cravings, my nails are growing faster.  People are asking what I'm doing."

  - C (week 3 Fat Burning PRO)




What would happen if YOUR body ALSO started to feel more energized, show visible signs of health, and turn heads??  How would that feel?  How would that impact how other people SEE and TREAT you?  



It might be controversial to say that we're often initially treated based on how we physically show up in the world - but it's true.



I can't get over the amount of positive attention and RESPECT being fit commands.  It is wild.  It repeatedly surprises me.



In many regards you will be treated BETTER, which I feel is also a reflection of you treating YOURSELF better.



Discipline and self care are NOTICEABLE and the world (amorous potentials, longterm partners, strangers in line at the store, co-workers, friends+++) will RESPOND to the fruits of your labor.



So if you're ready to ENJOY the improvement of how your body LOOKS, FUNCTIONS, and FEELS (all while shedding unwanted fat) - give Fat Burning PRO a look.  



It's meant to be one stop shopping for your waistline, health, and having an edge in life (no joke).



Have what C's having.



It won't disappoint.



To getting clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.



xo, M



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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