7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast


Jan 07, 2024


Hello Dear One!


Many of you know me from my extensive career as a massage therapist, and with that my understanding of managing and preventing PAIN.


Last week I spoke with a friend at the gym who had been MIA for a bit which was due to lesser understood LOWER BACK PAIN.


I thought to share his seemingly benign journey as well as his way out.


He had moved a ton of stuff in a cramped crawl space for the better part of an afternoon.


He said that he was mostly fine after that, but then days later he was having trouble getting out of bed, standing up straight, and figuring out how to not aggravate the sudden spasms that were now taking his breath away and rendering him mostly stationary.


When I asked him more about what he had been doing - SITTING AT THE COMPUTER became the obvious culprit.


All good!  And now good to know some RULES around what to do and what NOT to do for this healing journey.






If you're experiencing muscular pain that area is most likely weak OR it's been doing more than it's made for.


Ex. using your lower back to pick up a laundry basket vs your legs.





The cure for muscular pain (and the way to PREVENT it) is typically to make sure you have joints stacked over joints for your posture, and that you make a point to STRENGTHEN your body in general AND the area that hurts.





This is so counter intuitive for most, as typically the area that hurts also feels TIGHT.


And it IS, but not because it's compressed and shortened, it's because it's OVER stretched and taught (like a guitar string).


So the LAST thing to do is stretch that area.


If anything, stretch the OPPOSITE side of the body, and gently contact the side/area that hurts.





If you're in some serious pain, and/or dealing with a spasm - ice is always appropriate.


Getting the area numb will disengage signals from/to the brain that can keep things in a spasmed state.


Ice reduces any inflammation present as well as bringing blood to the area  (once the ice is removed) to powerfully help speed healing.





Your body is logical.  Pain is simply an effect that has a clear cause.




Do these steps, keep the area as FLAT as possible - and then get back to working out and LIFE!


Being gentle and taking things slow is SMART.


Abandoning strengthening exercises entirely (which is usually what the body needs) is NOT.


Especially if you have other goals of:

- weight loss

- general fitness

- getting you ready for your warmer weather sport


So check those steps out and keep these rules in your back pocket.


Hopefully they help get you out of a painful spot, or help you to prevent experiencing one in the first place.



Oh.  And Happy New Year!


Hope things have started swimmingly for you.


If goals of improved fitness and a smaller waistline are on your desire list - know you're in great company.


Loved getting to have a conversation with a soon starting new Fat Burner the other day who was referred by ANOTHER Fat Burner (thank you thank you).


I love that she asked her friend who has lost noticeable weight, who now drinks WAY less coffee, who's stepped far away from the nightly ritual of wine, and who's saving time and money as a busy professional Mega Mom - "How long do you plan on doing this diet?"


And her response was, "FOREVER."






If you'd like to start 2024 with the last, "diet", you'll ever begin - LET'S TALK!


Fat Burning PRO will not only help you with weight loss in the short term, make weight lose EASIER and weight gain HARDER gong forward, but it will also improve your health, lower inflammation, improve digestion, skin clarity, slow aging, save time, and reduce your grocery bill.




Plus it literally gets EASIER to stay in this mode the longer you do it.


So set yourself up to WIN this year right from the start.


Let's get your body into a Fat Burning mode with Fat Burning PRO and LITERALLY change the course of life for the better.


Would love to help you start your year on a high note.


Book a free 30 min call to see if this way of life might be a fit for you too.


Love to all!


To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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